Tioga County
PA Fair
Department 4 - Sheep
This years fair theme for the livestock departments is going to be "Storm the Barns", we hope to see some really neat stall decorations around the grounds. Prizes will be awarded.
Sheep Barn : Tornado
Printable Mail Entry blank:
Click here
Department 4 Sheep
Open/Junior Show
Superintendent: Judy & Jeff Quick 814-360-8905
SHEEP SHOW SCHEDULE Thursday, August 8, 2024 - 4:00 p.m.
Sunday , Aug. 4 from 1pm to 6 pm.
Monday, Aug. 5 from 10 am to 3 pm.
Sheep can be checked in by Jeff & Judy Quick, Dr. Reese or assisting veterinarian.
Department 4 and 10.4
(Refer to General & Health Rules)
1. All 4-H/FFA and Open Entry Blanks must be postmarked/due on or before July 22, 2024. They should be sent to Judy Quick, 368 Swing Gate Rd,, Westfield, PA 16950. 814-360-8905
2. An entry fee of $3.00 per animal in open class must accompany the entry blank. (Make check payable to TCAA) Exhibitor limited to 2 animals per individual class.
3. ALL animals to be shown in open classes must be entered and pay the entry fee. No entry fee will be charged for Jr. Sheep Exhibitors, 4-H and FFA classes. (Dept. 10).
4. Out of the county exhibitors may enter, but should facilities become limited, they will be cut first based on postmark.
5. All sheep exhibited must be accompanied by an official certificate of health signed by a licensed veterinarian indicating he has inspected the flock of which the animals are a part and found them free from Scabies and other transmissible diseases.
6. Any animal of unthrifty nature, unsuitable condition, or which cannot be satisfactorily handled under show conditions must be removed from the fairgrounds.
7. The exhibitors should make every effort to keep their animals and immediate area as clean and neat as possible.
8. Exhibitors must have all animals listed for competition on the grounds not later than 3:00 p.m. Monday, August 5, 2024. All such animals shall remain on the premises until 8:00 p.m. Saturday, August 10, 2024, unless released by the superintendent.
9. The Fair Association may require animals to be mouthed for age and shown in the class stated by the official doing the mouthing.
10. Exhibitor must provide feed and bedding for their animals.
12. All sheep and goats from SFCP enrolled flocks (Scrapie Flock Certification Program) must be housed and handled such that “direct contract” does not occur with sheep or goats from other flocks of lower status. Spacing sufficient to prevent contact or solid partitions may be used to maintain separation.
13.Sheep can arrive from 1pm to 6 pm Sunday, Aug. 4 and Monday, Aug. 5 from 10 am to 3 pm. Sheep can be checked in by Jeff & Judy Quick, Dr. Reese or assisting veterinarian
14. You must have the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection at the time of unloading. Rabies vaccination required. (See page 15.) If you need to come at a different time, contact Jeff or Judy to make other arrangements.
15. All sheep exhibitors (or a representative) are expected to help clean up the barn and take down the pens. Clean-up will be Sunday, Aug. 11th at 7:00 am. If you have a conflict and are not able to help clean up, contact barn chairperson prior to start of the fair.
16. CHILDREN’S NOVELTY CLASS- Control of Animal, Costume of Child, Presentation of animal in attractive and unusual manner.
Wool Rules and Regulations
1. Wool exhibited must be produced in the area of the Fair and the exhibitor must have owned the sheep from which the fleece is shorn.
2. Judging will take place on Sunday, August 4, 2024.
3. No Premiums will be awarded in any class unless the exhibits are worthy. The judge may withhold any premium for lack of merit.
4. Exhibits are open to both purebred and commercial flocks in Tioga County.
5. If exhibitor does not know grade count or places their fleece in the wrong category, a fair official will help or will place the fleece in the correct category before judging.
6. Only 1 premium will be paid to an exhibitor in each class.
7. Jr. Division opened to persons 15 years of age and under. 4-H and Sr. Division guidelines accepted for Jr. Division.
8. Each entry must be an entire fleece from one sheep which has been skirted and cleaned of manure tags.
9. The fleece should be submitted in a CLEAR plastic garbage bag. If not submitted this way the fair will place the fleece in a clear bag for display.
Department 10.4 Additional Rules and Regulations
1. 4-H members must have passed their eighth birthday but not have passed their nineteenth birthday by January 1st of the current year.
2. Exhibitors must be 4-H members, carrying a project in the field in which they wish to make entry.
3. All 4-H members must be a member in good standing in the Tioga County 4-H program.
4. 4-H Project and Record Books must be up to date and must be judged at the 4-H building Agricultural Education Program
5. Students enrolled in an accepted agricultural education school curriculum must be conducting a SAE (Supervised Agricultural Education) Project in which they wish to make entry.
6. Students enrolled in Home Economics in a comprehensive high school are considered as qualifying.
7. All entries shall be approved prior to the fair by their Agricultural Education teacher and or FFA Chapter Advisor.
8. 4-H and FFA members must be present and have charge of their animals at the time of judging, weighing and sale.
9.Lambs cannot be shown in both breeding classes and market classes
10.No exhibitor may enter more than 2 animals per individual class.
11. Classes 1 to 6 match the Open Breeding sheep show in Department 4 Section 1, Sheep breeding classes. Enter both Departments 4 and 10 and Breeding classes
12.4-H members must be enrolled in the 4-H market lamb project by program enrollment deadlines (see Page 24).
13.Lambs must be enrolled by May 1, 2024. Refer to the 4-H Market Lamb Project Requirements from the Extension Office for class details. See Open Show Rules and Regulations for other entry deadlines.
14.4-H Project and Record Books must be up-to-date and must be judged at 4-H Roundup. Record books must be verified for completion by the FFA Advisor.
15.Market animals will be weighed on the same set of scales by a weighmaster appointed by the Tioga County Fair Board.
16.The Junior Livestock Sale Committee will determine if lambs are in proper market conditions to be sold. (Lambs must weigh at least 80 pounds and not over 145 pounds to sell in the Junior Livestock Sale.
17.No exhibitor may enter more than two animals.
18.Market lambs must have lamb teeth and be either ewe or wether lambs.
19.4-H or FFA members must be present and have charge of their animals at the time of judging, weighing and sale.
20.Lambs shown in market classes cannot be shown in breeding classes.
21. Market lambs must be “slick shorn” from the knees and hocks not more than 3 weeks before the fair. Market lambs must be shorn before coming to the Fair.
22.All Market Exhibitors MUST Have a Current “Meat Qual-ity Assurance Certificate”
23.All animals entered in the 4-H and FFA Market Lamb Show will be sold in the Junior Livestock Sale. All 4-H and FFA market animals are a terminal project. These animals are sold with the intention they are going to the market for slaughter. They may not return the next year as a 4- H project animal.
24.All Sheep exhibitors (or a representative) are expected to help clean up the barn and take down the pens. Clean-up will be Sunday, Aug. 11th at 7:00 am. If you have a conflict and are not able to help clean up, contact the barn chairperson prior to the start of the fair.
Showmanship Rules and Regulations
1. Exhibitor age is determined as of January 1st of the current All 4-H/FFA
Entries must be submitted to EACH Open Barn Chairperson by postmarked/due on or before July 22, 2024
Department 4 Open Sheep Show Classes and Premiums
Department 10.4 Junior Sheep Show Classes and Premiums