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Department 6 -Goat


This years fair theme for the livestock departments is going to be "Storm the Barns", we hope to see some really neat stall decorations around the grounds. Prizes will be awarded.
Goat Barn : Tsunami

Online Entries Preferred:

Department 6 Goat


Open/Junior Goat Show 

Tuesday August 6, 2024, 9:00am

Superintendent: Shane Lee 814-367-8381 Shane.Lee@hotmail


Show Order for the Dairy & Meat Goat Show




Sr Dairy

Jr Dairy

Dairy Groups

Sr Meat

Jr Meat

Meat Groups

Fun Classes




Goats check in will be ONLY Sunday,  August 4 2024,  from 12-6

Open Show Animals must be checked in by Tuesday 8:00 A.M



Department  6 Open  Goat Show Classes and Premiums

Department 10.6 Junior Goat Show Classes and Premiums
Click Here to view



Department 6 and 10.6


(Refer to General & Health Rules)


1. All 4-H/FFA and Open Entry Blanks must be postmarked/due on or before July 22, 2024 Mail to: Send to: Shane Lee 1491 Ackley Rd., Westfield, PA 16950 (Make check payable to TCAA) or Entries will be accepted Online via Fair Entry link on:  on or before July 22, 2024.


2. An entry fee of $3.00 per animal must accompany the entry blank. ALL animals to be shown in open classes must be entered and pay the entry fee. No entry fee will be charged for 4-H and FFA classes. (Dept. 10) Entry fee must be submitted with entry form. There will be NO on the spot changes without voiding the individual class entry.


​3. Open Exhibitors do not have to show their own animal. They may have their animals shown by another person representing them.


4. Exhibitors must provide their own feed, bedding, buckets, hoses, hay feeder and general supplies.


5. No exhibitor may have more than 3 entries in each class. No exhibitor may have more than 2 entries in the market class. Only one entry in group classes and Best Doe bred by exhibitor. Exhibitors are limited to 10 animals each.


6. Drugs administered to livestock prior to or during the fair for the purpose of controlling disposition or showmanship performance is prohibited.


​7. Exhibitors will be expected to display or parade their animals as directed by the Chairman, to accept the stall assigned without controversy, to keep animals in an attractive appearance, and to cooperate with the Department in every way that may serve to increase the educational value of the show. Any unsportsmanlike conduct will result in dismissal


 8. Exhibitors must have all animals listed for competition on the grounds by 3:00 p.m., Monday, August 5, 2024. All such animals shall remain on the premises until Saturday, August 10, 2024, unless released by the superintendent. Such a request shall be submitted in writing to the superintendent along with entry form and entry fees.




10. No bucks allowed. Disbudding of all animals is encouraged.


 11. All sheep and goats from SFCP enrolled flocks (Scrapie Flock Certification Program) must be housed and handled such that “direct contact” does not occur with sheep or goats from other flocks of lower status. Spacing sufficient to prevent contact or solid partitions may be used to maintain separation. Pens must also be thoroughly cleaned, and all organic material must be removed before used by an animal from a SFCP flock. When sheep and goats are being led around the show/sale ring this would be considered acceptable “limited contact”.


12. All animals must be free of infectious and contagious diseases and a statement of this (preprinted on the CVI requires veterinarian’s signature) is required on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI). Animals appearing unhealthy upon arrival may not enter the exhibition grounds. This includes - No open Sores, Abscesses (ruptured or not), scabs caused by an infectious disease, lesions around mouth or nose. Any animal or animals exhibiting symptoms can and will be turned away.


13. The exhibitors should make every effort to keep their animals and immediate area as clean and neat as possible. Prior to leaving, please check in with the barn chairman.


14. All Jr Exhibitors will compete in Showmanship or Forfeit their premiums.


15. Registration papers or a stamped duplicate application showing the date received by the ADGA / ABGA office is required for all animals under six months of age. Superintendent shall not accept copies of the aforesaid, any other document in lieu of them, or information obtained from the ADGA / ABGA office via telephone, etc. Registration papers must be available for immediate viewing at any time during the week.


16. Animals need not be registered, but if entered in a breed class other than Grade; exhibitors must show registration papers.


17. Animals not possessing papers from the breed association and Native on Appearance animals will show in the native on appearance classes.


18. Dairy animals with horns shall not be shown.


Department 10.6

Goat Additional Rules and Regulations


1. 4-H members must have passed their eighth birthday but not have passed their nineteenth birthday by January 1st of the current year.


2. Exhibitors must be 4-H members, carrying a project in the field in which they wish to make entry.


3. All 4-H members must be a member in good standing in the Tioga County 4-H program.


4. 4-H Project and Record Books must be up to date and must be judged at the 4-H building Agricultural Education Program


5. Students enrolled in an accepted agricultural education school curriculum must be conducting a SAE (Supervised Agricultural Education) Project in which they wish to make entry.


6. Students enrolled in Home Economics in a comprehensive high school are considered as qualifying.


7. All entries shall be approved prior to the fair by their Agricultural Education teacher and or FFA Chapter Advisor.


8. 4-H and FFA members must be present and have charge of their animals at the time of judging, weighing and sale.





1. Minimum weight for a market kid is minimum of 55 pounds maximum of 120 pounds.


2. Must have a full set of baby teeth.


3. No exhibitor may enter more than (2) market animals. Only animals registered with the extension office by May 1st may be sold in the Junior Livestock Sale.


4. Market Goats need to be castrated or fixed by June 1, so they are healed by fair time.


 5. Market weight classes to be set by the goat superintendent.


 6. All market sale goats must be born between December 1, 2023, and May 1, 2024.


 7. Market animals cannot be shown as breeding stock and vice versa except in Get of Sire Class.


 8. Homebred class must consist of 1 market animal, chosen prior to the start of the show. This cannot be a purchased market project. Exhibitor must own the Dam prior to breeding, Member must have documentation showing ownership of dam with proof of either service memo or ownership of Sire.




 1. Skills will be recognized by designating “Master Showmen” in each class. Exhibitors who demonstrate extraordinary skills in fitting and showmanship will be selected by a separate showmanship judge during the type show. The exhibitor number will be recorded, and the exhibitor will receive special recognition. Exhibitors are eligible for one award.


 2. All Jr Exhibitors will compete in Showmanship or Forfeit their premiums.

Department  6 Open  Goat Show Classes and Premiums

Department 10.6 Junior Goat Show Classes and Premiums
Click Here to view

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