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Department 2 – Dairy Cattle


This years fair theme for the livestock departments is going to be "Storm the Barns", hope to see some really neat stall decorations around the grounds. Prizes will be awarded.
Dairy Barn Team : Blizzard

Dept 2 -  Open Dairy Show

Classes and Premiums 


Dept 10-2 - Junior Dairy Show

Classes and Premiums



Department 2 – Dairy Cattle



Open Dairy Show

Friday, August 9, 2024, 11:30 a.m.

(Holstein,Milking Shorthorn,Red & White)


Open Dairy Show

Saturday, August 10, 2024, 9:00 a.m.

(Ayrshire,Brown Swiss,Guernsey,Jersey,Lineback)

1 PM—Supreme Champion


Superintendents: Ernest Norman 570-324-2891

Janelle Davis. 570-376-2816


Dairy Committee:  Aaron Butler, Jason Butler, Derick Coolidge, John Hemling, Daryl Hultz, Simone LIchty, Paul Moyer 



RULES & REGULATIONS (General & Health Rules Apply)


Department 2 and Department 10.2 Rules and Regulations


1.Entry blanks must be postmarked on or before July 22, 2024. Send to: Ernest Norman 7147 Rt. 414 Liberty, PA 16930. No entries will be accepted after this date. Please use Dairy Entry Blanks obtainable HERE or Tioga County Fairbook. Entries may be made online at:


2. An entry fee of $4.00 per animal or GROUP CLASS must accompany the entry blank. ALL animals and group classes must be pre-entered and prepaid. No entry fee will be charged for 4- H and FFA classes. (Dept. 10.2).


3. Exhibitor(s) must provide their own feed, bedding, and hoses. (Troughs will not be available.)


4. Please DO NOT put baler twine or trash in manure spreader


5. All forms of official identification (ear tags and pictures) must be on the animal and appear on registration papers and health certificates. 


6. Exhibitors will be expected to keep their animals in an attractive appearance and to cooperate with the show committee in every way that may serve to increase the educational value of the show.vThe exhibitor is to keep the space in a clean and sanitary condition.


​7. Cattle trucks and trailers are to be parked in the parking lot across from the upper entrance of fairgrounds.


8. NO exhibitor may have more than three (3) entries in each class.


9. All animals must be free of infectious and contagious diseases and a statement of this (preprinted on the CVI- requires veterinarian’s signature) is required on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection.  Animals appearing unhealthy upon arrival may not enter the exhibition grounds.


10. Jr. Exhibitors must have all animals on the grounds no later than 3:00 p.m., MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 2024. Open show exhibitors must have all animals listed for competition on the grounds by 4:00 p.m., THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2024. May also come in between 6:00 and 9:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 2024 All animals will be released at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, August 10, 2024. The milking parlor will begin operation on Monday afternoon of the fair, so if you plan to use the parlor, please wait and bring your cows on Monday.  No premium checks will be issued until space is cleaned.


11. Only registered animals (87% or greater) will be eligible for the open dairy show, except 4-H and FFA project animals. 


12. No clipping or hoof trimming will be allowed in the aisles. The use of the wash rack between 6am and 9am on Thursday of the fair for dairy animals is prohibited, as it is the day of the beef show. 


13. Exhibitors will be expected to display or parade their animals as directed by the Superintendent; accept the stall assigned without controversy; to keep animals in an attractive appearance, and to cooperate with the Department in every way that may serve to increase the educational value of the show. Any unsportsmanlike conduct will result in dismissal.


14. Exhibitors of livestock must inform themselves as to when their stock will be judged. Stock must be in the ring promptly on call and a failure to comply with the order renders exhibitors liable to be ruled out of competition.


15. Ribbons or ornaments previously won by animals at show shall be prohibited until after the awards have been made in their respective classes by the Judge.


18. DHIA production records for 150,000 lb. Class (Holsteins) 125,000 lb. Class (Other Breeds) will be checked. Production Class Animals cannot be shown in two classes.


19. All animals showing in group classes must be registered. Exhibitor must supply the ring clerk with registration papers of the animals comprising the herd or group. The superintendent and clerk will check registration papers in the group classes while they are in the ring. No premium will be paid unless thse papers are available. 


Department 10.2 Additional Rules and Regulations


1. 4-H members must have passed their eighth birthday but not have passed their nineteenth birthday by January 1st of the current year.

 a. Exhibitors must be 4-H members, carrying a project in the field in which they wish to make entry.

 b. All 4-H members must be a member in good standing in the Tioga County 4-H program.

 c. 4-H Project and Record Books must be up to date and must be judged at the 4-H building


2. Agricultural Education Program

a. Students enrolled in an accepted agricultural education school curriculum must be conducting a SAE (Supervised Agricultural Education) Project in which they wish to make entry.

b. Students enrolled in Home Economics in a comprehensive high school are considered as qualifying.

c. All entries shall be approved prior to the fair by their Agricultural Education teacher and or FFA Chapter Advisor.


3. All 4-H/FFA Entries for Department 10 must be postmarked or made online at to their department Superintendent on or before July 22, 2024.


4. 4-H and FFA members must be present and have charge of their animals at the time of judging.


5. Non-Registered and leased animals will follow the same ownership dates as registered animals. 4-H Dairy Roundup specific requirements will be available from Penn State Cooperative Extension Office.


6. 4-H and FFA Members may show an animal in the showmanship competition provided it has been carried as a project and is owned by the exhibitor.


7. Substitute showman are not eligible for showmanship awards.


8. 4-H & FFA Milk Auction- Grand Champion animal of each Dairy Breed exhibited are eligible.


9. Proceeds of Milk Auction will be divided according to the following guidelines: 50% to the exhibitor, 25% to exhibitor’s club or chapter, 25% to Tioga County Dairy 4-H & FFA educational events.


10. When on exhibition in the ring, each animal must be under halter.

Dept 2  Open Dairy Show

Classes and Premiums 


Dept 10-2 Junior Dairy Show Classes and Premiums


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