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Rabbits Department 9 


This years fair theme for the livestock departments is going to be "Storm the Barns ", we hope to see some really neat stall decorations around the grounds. Prizes will be awarded
Rabbit Barn  : Landslide

Department 9


Open/Junior Show


Sunday, August 4, 2024  9:30 AM


Health Check-In and cooping for 4H/FFA

Saturday, August 3, 2024 between 10 AM-3 PM

Sunday, August 4, 2023 Between 7 AM - 8:30 AM


Open Exhibitors must check in between 7 & 8:30 AM Sunday,

(Open 4H cloverbud exhibitors cooping rabbits for the week may check in Sat.)


No animals will be released before 8 PM Saturday Aug. 10th


Superintendent: Lynda Swan 609-408-8939


Department 9 Open  Rabbit Show Classes and Premiums

Department 10.9 Junior Rabbit Show Classes and Premiums

Click Here to View






Entries will be accepted by mail with a postmark on or before July 22, 2024.

An entry $2.50 per rabbit must accompany entry form.


(Make check payable to: TCAA)


Mail entries to:


Lynda Swan

1326 State Rd

Middlebury Center, PA 16935




Entries will be accepted Online via Fair Entry link on or before July 22, 2024



Department 6 and 10.6


(Refer to General & Health Rules)


1. Out of county exhibitors welcome to enter rabbits. Out of state rabbits require a veterinarian signed health certificate. (CVI) Refer health rules on page 22 of fairbook book.


2. All exhibitors must sign the “Veterinary–client-patient relationship statement” provided on the entry form. All rabbits will be health checked upon arrival. Any rabbits displaying clinical signs of contagious or infectious disease or appear ill must be removed from the fair grounds and your entry fee will be forfeited. Out of state rabbits require an Interstate Health Certificate (CVI). Open Exhibitors do not have to show their own animal. They may have their animals shown by another person representing them.


3. All rabbits must be permanently and legibly tattooed in left ear prior to arriving at the fair grounds.


4. All rabbits will be judged according to the latest ARBA standard of perfection. Judge’s decisions are final. This is not and ARBA sanctioned show. No legs will be issued.


5. Rabbits entered must be the bonified property of the exhibitor prior to show.


6. This is a one day carrying cage show. Carriers must have leak proof bottoms.


7. 4-H/FFA exhibitors are required to coop & display all entered rabbits, as cage space allows, for entire week of fair.


8. All rabbits must be in the showroom by 8:30 AM, show starts promptly at 9:30 AM.


9. Day of show add-ons for pre-entered exhibitors in OPEN Class ONLY accepted for a $3.00 entry fee per rabbit, and MUST be entered NO later than 8:30 AM.


10. 4-H Cloverbuds are only permitted to enter in the Open Show Dept. 9 per 4-H policy. No pet class is offered in Dept. 9. Cloverbuds are welcome to coop their rabbits with their 4-H club for the week of the fair, if they would like to. Please simply write : “COOPING REQUESTED” on the top of their entry form and follow check in and cooping times listed in Dept. 10.


11. Note: All breeds listed will be judged by individual variety (color) or groups according to ARBA judging standard, listed in the latest Standard of Perfection book, individually in the following classes: 1. 4-H and FFA Dept.10 (no entry fee) 2. Open (any age exhibitor and clover buds) $2,50 entry fee. 4-H and FFA may exhibit in both 4-H and FFA (Dept. 10) and Open (Dept. 9) classes with the same rabbits, and a $2.50 entry fee per rabbit for Open class entries. Any questions, please contact the superintendent.


12. 4 Class Breeds The breeds listed below will be judged in 4 classes. (Senior Buck, Senior Doe, Junior Buck, Junior Doe) Junior is 6 months old & under.


13. 6 Class Breeds The breeds listed below will be judged in 6 classes. (Senior Buck, Senior Doe, Intermediate Buck, Intermediate Doe, Junior Buck, Junior Doe) Intermediate is 6-8 months old, Junior is under 6 month old. 


Department 10.9

Rabbit Additional Rules and Regulations


1. 4-H members must have passed their eighth birthday but not have passed their nineteenth birthday by January 1st of the current year.


2. Exhibitors must be 4-H members, carrying a project in the field in which they wish to make entry.


3. All 4-H members must be a member in good standing in the Tioga County 4-H program.


4. 4-H Project and Record Books must be up to date and must be judged at the 4-H building Agricultural Education Program


5. Students enrolled in an accepted agricultural education school curriculum must be conducting a SAE (Supervised Agricultural Education) Project in which they wish to make entry.


6. Students enrolled in Home Economics in a comprehensive high school are considered as qualifying.


7. All entries shall be approved prior to the fair by their Agricultural Education teacher and or FFA Chapter Advisor.


8. Breed classes for 4-H and FFA Show are the same as listed in Open Dept. 9 - Please refer there for more information.


9. The 4-H PET rabbit class is only offered in the 4-H/FFA show. Pet rabbits may not be entered in any other classes. (They do not qualify for Best of Breed or Best of Show) They can be used in Showmanship.


10. All rabbits are judged according to the latest ARBA standard of perfection book. Judges’ decisions are final.


11. 4-H and FFA exhibitors are required to coop & display all entered rabbits, as cage space allows, for the entire weed of the fair. No rabbits will be released before 8 PM Saturday, August 10th, unless preapproved by the barn superintendent. Prior to leaving, please check out with Barn Chairperson.


12. Exhibitors are responsible for keeping their animals and immediate area clean and neat as possible. Exhibitors (or a representative) are responsible for the care of their own animals. Exhibitors must supply their own feed, bowls, bottles and supplies.


13. Upon release of animals on Saturday evening – Exhibitors are required to clean out bedding and waste, remove anything attached to the cage including signs, tags, ribbons, zip ties and staples, except for Market Meat Pens until picked up by the buyers and released by the Superintendent.


14. All rabbit exhibitors (or a representative) are expected to help clean up the barn and take down pens. Cleanup will be Sunday August 11th at 8:30 AM. If you have a conflict and are not able to help clean up, please contact the barn superintendent at check in prior to fair.


15. Exhibitors are responsible for carrying their own rabbits to the judging table, help from an adult or another youth is permitted if needed. No adult may show a rabbit for a youth. Horse exhibitors and fair queen participants with conflicts at the time of their rabbit classes can have another youth show their rabbits for them in all classes except showmanship, with prior approval of the barn superintendent.


Meat Rabbits


1. Limit of 2 Meat Pens per Exhibitor


2. Each pen consists of 3 rabbits, all the same variety (color), not over 10 weeks old (70 days) . 3½ - 5½ pounds in weight for each rabbit. Official Weigh In will be done at time of check in.


3. 4-H and FFA Market Exhibiters must have a current “Quality Assurance Certificate”.


4. All Market Meat Pens must be pre-registered with the 4-H Extension Office by the program enrollment deadline of June 1, 2024. Refer to the 4-H market rabbit project requirements from the extension office for class details. An Official Entry form must also be submitted on or before July 22, 2024. Refer to entry details above. All general rules and regulations in the Rabbit Dept. apply, please refer to them.


5. Meat Pen Rabbits MUST be raised by the exhibitor and born on their premises. The Bred Doe must be in the exhibitor’s possession and pre-registered with the 4-H Extension Office by the June 1, 2024 deadline. Exhibitors may register up to 6 bred Does, that will kindle on their premises and be raised by the exhibitor. Selection of your meat pen rabbits must be from the kits produced out of any of the pre-registered Does. Ear numbers on meat pen rabbits must match both the Pre- registration form and tattoo on the day of Check In. A meat pen consists of 3 rabbits per pen, each Rabbit will be officially weighed at the time of check in and must meet the weight requirements of 3½ - 5½ lbs. to show and sell in the Jr. Livestock Auction. Those not making weight will be dismissed. An option will be given for the Youth to enter meat pen rabbits that don’t make weight into an Open Only Day of Show Meat Class with a $2.50 entry fee per rabbit and be eligible for ribbons and premiums but NOT be eligible to be sold at the Jr. Livestock Auction. Any questions Please contact the Barn Superintendent.


6. 4-H and FFA Market Rabbit Pens that qualify to show and sell at the Jr. Livestock Auction are a terminal project. These animals are sold with the intention they are going to slaughter.


All 4-H/FFA Entries must be submitted to EACH Open Barn Chairperson by postmarked/due on or before July 22, 2024




Department 9 Open  Rabbit Show Classes and Premiums

Department 10.9 Junior Rabbit Show Classes and Premiums

Click Here to View

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